That is a ridiculous statistic that men who watch porn and want validation and a free pass to do as he pleases throws at women who have an issue with it. Not all men watch porn, and not all women watch porn. A lot do of course, not denying that. I mainly just don't like being lied to about it. Maybe if he was upfront and…
Well, you will never know, so I'd stop judging my sex life if I was you. Maybe you don't get enough since you are so high up on porn? Two can judge.
Not everyone, I have a personal issue with it from my past, and I have a very good reason to be disturbed by it. Therefore, I make it very clear before any relationship that I am not okay with it...Why watch others having sex when you could be having the real thing any way? I understand some people get their kicks of of…
Oh, well maybe "men" should be upfront and honest about watching porn. I made it clear before we were official, that I was not okay with it. If he had such an issue he could have ended it right then and there, or you honest! So tired of men making excuses for bad habits. Everyone has their deal breaker. In regards…
Um, no. We do have a good sex life actually, and videos are not reality
Doesn't help when he has all these computer skills to hid stuff either and multiple email addresses I'll never know about. I know what I need to do, just going to take time to be able to part ways! I am a stay at home mom on top of it so makes it even harder.
Thanks so much for your insight.
Very true, thanks. For the past few months i've been checking his emails and what not, but either he has stopped, or he has gotten smarter. And to be honest, not sure about the past but these days he does not have time to cheat physically. He goes to work, comes home, weekends he doesn't go out by himself, so I know his…
SO more info to clarify. I found out there was no real activity on his dating profiles, because well, I found them and accessed them and looked around, he had 2 profiles in the span of our relationship that appeared to have just answered questions, everything else was blank. Another one was the same account we met on years…