hfitkin73 Member


  • It's a crayfish Lightning bug And I think dragonfly, but not sure about that one
  • http://www.reviewopedia.com/health-sciences-institute-reviews
  • http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/artificial-sweeteners/art-20046936 Here is an article from the Mayo Clinic on artificial Sweeteners. I think most people who have a problem with Diet Soda, would say its because of the artificial sweeteners. I have no problems with them. I…
  • I ate nine brownie bites in one day. At least it wasn't all in one sitting, they only come with 11 in the package, I think they are my weakness
  • I don't have a planned cheat day. I some times go over, my calorie goal, I just don't sweat it. It is just get back on track the next day. It usually happens on a birthday, or holiday, and sometimes just cause I want that large Frappuccino. Luckily for me it doesn't happen to often.
  • Yes. I track my calories on MFP and do a little exercise and I have lost 25 pounds so far.
  • I drink one 32oz Diet Coke in the morning. I log it even though it has no calories, so that I can track my sodium intake.