

  • Well said! I agree with you! I only log what I do at the gym or with a workout DVD! I would feel weird logging when I clean the house! :)
  • I would eat breakfast now... then in about 3 hours eat a light lunch, and then at a normal dinner time, eat dinner! :) You don't want to skip meals. Doing so will make you want to eat everything in sight because you'll be so hungry!
  • I'm already at my goal weight, so I'd like to maintain my current weight, do a little less calorie counting, and tone up! :)
  • Ugh, I've heard this before and I think it's ridiculous. I'm 5'0, weigh around 120, and I'm a size 2! I can't imagine losing any more! Who came up with these ideal weights? Darn them! ha! :)
  • ice cream/frozen yogurt! I have to limit myself to only having it a few days a week!
  • Crap, now I feel stupid for wasting 170 calories! LOL! Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll just say it was my snack! ha! :)
  • 4 ounces is smaller than you think. I use a food scale and I'm amazed at how small portions are! It's the best thing I've purchased! :)
  • Don't think of it as a diet. Think if it as a "lifestyle" change. I don't like when people around me ask if I'm still dieting. I'll be eating this way for the rest of my life because it's the healthy thing to do! Eating well-balanced meals and sticking within your calorie allowance is key! Fresh veggies and fruit is a…
  • Welcome! You should be commended on your willingness to start again! Good luck to you! :)
  • The Morning-star Mozzarella and Basil Burgers are AMAZING on top of a toasted english muffin! Who needs greasy burgers!!! :)
  • I just stick with Multigrain Cheerios with 1/4 cup of blueberries and 1/2 a banana! Or Rice Krisipies!
  • Ugh, I'm so sorry you have an unsupportive family. My best advice is to just prove them wrong. Instead of turning down their invite, why not go and show them how to order healthy! Luckily, I have a supportive family, so I can't imagine going through a weight loss journey alone! Just keep your chin up and remember that…
  • As someone who is from Buffalo, NY.... home of all Buffalo deliciousness... I'm guessing there's more butter than you want to know! I would say many many tablespoons!
  • My fiance and I also take the Flintstones Vitamins.... Mostly because I can't handle swallowing the horse-pills that adult vitamins are! I usually take it after breakfast and I feel fine! :)
  • I'm a 1st grade teacher! :)
  • Only eating 800 calories is bad. Your body will go into starvation mode and losing weight will not occur. Try having a healthy snack that is high in calories like nuts, peanut butter, etc.... It may be hard, but consuming 1200 calories or more is key to keeping the weight off. This is especially important if you're working…
  • Duncan Hines Devil's food with canned pumpkin.... delicious!
  • I don't allow myself cheat days. I feel like if I did that, I'd end up in my old ways of eating. Rather than a "cheat day", I'll allow myself something I usually don't eat - cake, or pizza, or a brownie (of course, in moderation!!!). As far as "rest days", I usually watch my calories very closely. I know it's my day to…
  • Just go and get fitted. The dress can always be altered. Don't harm your body with cleanses that will just be a quick fix! I was in a wedding last summer and had my dress altered twice, during both fittings. They will have no problem altering it more than once!
  • I workout everyday but Sunday! :)
  • I always preplan my meals. I plan the night before! This way, I'm able to see exactly what my calories are and if I have room to sneak more food in! It's totally beneficial! Plus, by doing it the night before, I'm able to input recipes too!
  • I completely agree with you! Unless it's vigorous gardening/mowing a large lawn, I couldn't ever justify that as exercise. Although, I suppose if they are wearing a HRM to accurately count calories burned. I just finished my school year and I spent 2 weeks packing everything up - of course I burned LOADS of calories, but I…
  • I never plan "cheat" days. I feel like if I did that, I would not only feel super guilty, I'd end up with a stomachache too! If I crave something, I just give in with a small amount - for example, if I'm craving ice cream, I'll go to McDonalds and get a small vanilla cone - it easily fills my craving. Yesterday was the…
  • Ok thanks - here's what I did today - Breakfast - 6:15 - Cereal & Fruit Snack - 8:15 - Nutrigrain Cereal bar Lunch - 10:15 - Laughing Cow Cheese/Wheat Thins and an apple Snack - 12:15 - Low-Fat Yogurt Snack 2:30 - Banana Dinner - 5pm - Lean Pocket Quesidilla, Pasta Salad, & Applesauce Snack - 7:00 - Ice Cream Cone -…
  • I'm sorry - I reread and it was quite confusing! But thanks for answer my question! :)
  • I have the same question! And it never gets answered. I'm wanting to maintain, so when it says to consume 1500 calories, of course I'll burn 1/3 of that off working out.... After I workout, the last thing I want to do is eat 500 more calories - I just burned it all off! So my net is always under 1200... Way under! Sorry I…
  • I've lost close to 90 pounds! I don't eat seafood, so the majority of my dinners consist of salad, chicken, whole wheat pasta, and ground turkey! I try and limit my red meat intake, since it's really not all that great for you. Don't do frozen dinners like Healthy Choice or Lean Cuisine - they are loaded with sodium and…
  • It's the crispy taco shell that is so loaded in calories. Remember, it's probably deep fried!
  • I'll just log in that I ate 3/4 of it I guess... I'd rather overestimate than underestimate! :)