

  • Hi jdragonfly, I for one am not doing too well with the biggest loser. Luckily we are not weighing in until the end. I have to get on track. It has even been difficult for me to log in my food the last few days. I am really trying to get back on track. This weekend is going to be busy. Our church is having a valentine…
    in Hello Comment by aprilh123 February 2012
  • I'm sorry you had a bad weekend but it doesn't sound quite as bad as mine. I did not do well at all. I am back on track today. I have terrible allergies and had an awful attack on Sunday then followed it up with a major headache yesterday. What I ate was the last thought from my mind. I just wanted to feel better. I know…
  • Hi everyone. I have not had a very good day either. Weekends are very hard for me. Friday when I got off work I went to my resistance class and then my husband and son wanted Wendy's. So I went and got burgers and fries for them and I ate a piece of trout baked in the over with olive oil, cooked cabbage and kidney beans.…
  • My birthday is Tuesday, 1/31. I really, really, really want to be the biggest loser in the competition. It would be nice to accomplish something instead of not finishing or always failing at the task!!
  • Sounds like everyone had a good day yesterday. darlenestanle - Don't beat yourself up too much over the pizza and other choices, sometimes that is just life. It's true you could have made a better choice but sometimes you have to indulge but stick with the plan in the long haul. I have to really be careful today. I will…
  • I posted my story on the Monday topic but I really want to be part of a support group to help keep me motivated to get the weight off. Today, I have walked 2.1 miles at lunch and my food intake is on track for the day. So far a good day.
  • Hello all. I am a yo-yo dieter and have been over weight since age five. I don't remember a time that I was not trying to lose weight. I am married to a wonderful husband and I have two children. As I have read in other posts I also work full time and have lots of baseball, karate and kickboxing classes to attend. I have…