

  • Hi, I know what you mean, i'm the same. What i do for the base is use 2 healthy eating tortia wraps stuck together with tomato puree then make the topping myself. Its great if you love thin and crispy pizza. Personally i love it so its worth a try! Goodluck :)
  • I have 2 cheat meals a week, note this is only one meal out of the day, not a whole day of pigging out lol. Have a look at this page: I quite often refer to Scooby for everything nutrition and exercise related, have a look around his website. Hope this helps :)
  • I have 2 cheat meals a week, note this is only one meal out of the day, not a whole day of pigging out lol. Have a look at this page: I quite often refer to Scooby for everything nutrition and exercise related, have a look around his website. Hope this helps :)
  • I have 2 cheat meals a week, note this is only one meal out of the day, not a whole day of pigging out lol. Have a look at this page: I quite often refer to Scooby for everything nutrition and exercise related, have a look around his website. Hope this helps :)