BeccaLifting Member


  • Tummy. I'm pretty lean and have delts, biceps and triceps showing in my arms. Visible ribs where they hit my sternum and around my back, almost all my leg muscles - just a little bit of covering over that glute/ham tie in still. But not an ab in sight, still too much tummy fat for that! I have a band under my bra and above…
  • Some products can, in themselves, cause breakouts. So as you shower right after working out perhaps try a different shampoo and shower gel/soap. Perhaps you are reacting to something all the more for your pores all being open with the warmth and sweat? If you have acne anywhere else it may be worth seeing your doctor to…
  • Unless there is a medical reason which means you have to lose weight urgently then my advice is to put baby first and worry about your weight later. I had exactly the same situation, so I can empathize fully. It didn't matter what I did I couldn't shift the weight whilst feeding. Once I'd stopped (my LO didn't want a drop…
  • 1. For people (mainly men) to make completely inappropriate comments about me physically and then tell me that it was my problem, that I didn't know how to take a compliment, when I pointed out how inappropriate their comments were. 2. How my sister would go from hating me to hating me with a passion. We no longer speak…
  • 5'1 and around the 100lb mark, give or take a couple of lb depending on usual fluctuations. I've got a tiny frame with 32 inch hips and I take a 26 back bra (try finding those on the highstreet!), so it suits me, I've never had anyone comment that I look too light.