I use the same monitor. What I find odd is that I can reach 185 bpm during a 4-5 mile run averaging a speed of 6-6.5 mph, but on a dead all out sprint for about a quarter of a mile it still only gets up to 185.
My true resting heart rate in the morning, upon waking up, dances between 50-54 bpm. Although the age-predicted calculations are somewhat accurate, I don't like to compare everything to them. I am in the same boat as you are, however, because after a good 4-5 mile run it doesn't take very long for my HR to drop…
We received Polar Heart rate monitors as part of our lab fees; Polar heart rate monitors are next in line, in my opinion, in accuracy next to other exercise physiology laboratory ECG/EKG monitors. He is 23 and I am 21. As for using the Karvonen heart rate calculation or the less specific age predicted equation(s), I feel…