dazaliah Member


  • Wow! Great that you've already lost 7lbs! This website definitely is a motivator and big help. Keep it up!
  • I'm trying to lose the baby weight too! I have about 51lbs. more to go. Feel free to add me! Great community on here!
  • Hi! I'm 5'2" and agree with BFLSaberfan! I've only lost 2 lbs. so far and have about 51 more to go but my hubby said he can already tell! We can do this! I too lost before with a low carb diet. Unfortunately, the weight came right back when I was pregnant. It's just not realistic or healthy to eat that way. I'm loving my…
  • You can add me too! Why? 1. I'm new and could use more friends. 2. I've logged on 10 days in a row and am very motivated. 3. I think us cherry-stem tiers need to stick together, lol!
  • I just joined this week and I have to say I'm amazed by all the tools and how active the site is! Welcome! I have 50 lbs. to lose and also work in the food infested school system, lol! Feel free to add me!