

  • I wouldn't eat even more fruit because you would be adding in a lot of extra sugar that you dont need. My calories have been low as well, thats why I snack on veggies throughout the day even when Im not really hungry! I hated salad before this, but I have had a large one daily for lunch. I add grilled chicken breast and a…
  • When I stopped smoking Dec 26th 2010 I began exercising daily. I have been doing Turbo jam/ Turbo Fire 6 days per week ever since. I really think that without starting an exercise program, I would have slipped up and I'd still be smoking. Good luck and congrats on your decision to quit = )
  • I snack throughout the day on healthy veggies even when I'm not really that hungry. It helps keep my calorie intake a little higher for the day since this diet is relatively low on calories. I have also found that by doing this, I'm never starving like I tend to be on other diets. I highly recommend this diet, although I…
  • You will! I was a Dr Pepper addict and haven't had a drop in 12 days = )
  • Today is day 12 for me on the 17 day diet. The first few days are the hardest! I have gotten to the point where my body is no longer craving sugar... Its crazy! I am a 28 year old woman with 10 more lbs to lose and I have lost 8lbs in 11 days!!!
  • I bought the book on for $7. I am on day 7 and although I havent weighed myself, my sugar cravings have almost completely disappeared. The first 3-4 days were horrible for me as I had a Dr Pepper addiction!! I can already tell a difference in my energy levels as well as my complexion!
  • Love Love Love TURBOFIRE!!!
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