esisco Member


  • I love it. It looks like one of chainmail bill's designs. I'm currently working on one like this for my wife. (She posted earlier in this thread with the stars and stripes bikini.)
  • I decided to try doing the ab ripper x first today because I saw a couple people mention doing it that way. It really helped and I had better form through the moves because I wasn't already exhausted. I did do the 25 of each but I had to pause it a couple of times to catch up because of mini breaks. Legs and back was fun…
  • Finished my first time on Yoga X. Some of the active poses hurt but I stuck with it. I had forgotten about crane pose from before when I did yoga. I was never able to do that one properly. I tried it today though. Almost went headfirst into the floor but I just reset my balance and tried again. Looking forward to trying…
  • Day three went well but the ab ripper x is a beast. Had to pause it a couple of times to take a break and then catch up. I really like shoulders and arms though. Looking forward to yoga tomorrow. Did quite a bit of yoga about ten years ago but its been a while so we'll see how it goes.
  • Had my first experience with the plyo today. It wiped me out but I stuck with it through the end and I'm glad I did.I'm looking forward to the shoulders and arms tomorrow. giraffe_attack: I found your story very inspiring. Glad you decided to take control back. I also am very interested in that recipe you posted. I am…
  • Did my first day of plyo today. Wiped me out but it was fun. BTW anyone have any suggestions for good high protein meals?
  • Not too late to join in is it? I just started P90x classic today.
  • I just finished Day 1. I am glad I fast forwarded through the videos a couple of days ago because it gave me a good idea of what to expect for today. Helped me keep up without missing reps while trying to figure out the moves.
  • I've been planning on starting P90X (classic version) in May as well. Wasn't sure if I was going to start tomorrow or on the ninth but I think I'll just go ahead and get it started. Feel free to friend me for mutual support.