

  • I need to lose a 150 lbs to get down to my "ideal" weight. I'm simply taking it 10lbs at a time. I've lost 20 and am now heading into my next 10lbs. I'm thinking that I'm going to just face this 10lbs at a time, all the way. And then I'm trying to exercise 5 days a week, 3 minimum. Keep myself moving daily. I appreciate…
  • I never eat after 7pm. The only thing that passes through my lips is water after that. :smile:
  • I know it's hard to throw ourselves into something that is going to deprive us and leave us feeling empty. We seem to use food to fill that void in us and our challenge is to find a way to fulfill ourselves and not feel empty, by ourselves using only the skills we have in our minds, instead of relying on anything outside…
  • I just wanted to introduce myself and say "hi," and wish everyone good luck in all of our weight loss endeavors. Good to be here. :smile: