Sorry everyone, i reccomend LOW carb not NO carb. I used the wrong word 'unpresent' while i mean it as fewer. And i forgor to input that in exchange of low carb, we add more protein or fat.
Believe it or not, i actually done a 700 calorie diet for a few months added with bodyweight strength training. I don't know how i managed it for a few months and i lose weight like crazy. Now that i joined mfp i try to eat more for more steady gain/cut, it's crazy how i don't have any idea about nutrients and calorie back…
Protein bar : 1 cup oat 4 scoops whey 5 tbsp natural peanut butter 1/2 cup milk Mix together, put it into tupperware and put it into the freezer Healthy, cheap, high protein snacks.
If you don't mind the taste, here it is You're welcome
Maybe oats? The carbs is mostly fiber. If you want a low carbs side dish, any kind of vegetables works.
Thanks for the reply, no wonder i have the craving. I'll stop using sweetener, thanks !
Sorry i forgot to input that tempeh is a good protein source food, the fat is mostly good fat. I just ate 500 gram of tempeh, and that gives me 95 g of protein and 55 of fat (mostly polyunsaturated and monosaturated). Okay, so bottomline any ammount of fat is okay if we stay at calorie deficit, right? Thanks everyone
Fererro rocher : )
Try your own protein bar 1 cup of instant oatmeal 1 cup of protein powder 1/2 cup of milk 5 tbsp of natural PB Mix all, put in freezer for a couple of hours. P.s : the irony is i want to make this, but i dont have protein powder T.T
- ^ I got a good website for this. Personally, i only do weight training for weight loss. Because i don't really like cardio, and it's boring imo. Acording to the link above, weight training is the better method for…
Thank you everyone for the recommendation !
Thanks a lot for the info, it really helps ! I didn't know i have a former fat boy syndrom xD
Verhunzt : Thanks for the reply ! Sidesteel : I'm trying to get some muscle, but not too big like a heavyweight fighter. Basicly like getting more lean, while adding more muscle
This is a very good program for exercises. .It's mainly bodyweight training, so you don't need to go to the gym. To gain muscle you need to do a good strength training, eat many protein, and get enough rest.
Thanks for the help everyone, cheers !
My height is 166 cm. Unfortunately i can't get meat everyday, and protein powder is kinda hard to get here.
Actually i have a really hard time in getting enough protein even for the usual RDA 54 g. The source of protein i can get at the moment is tempeh, milk, egg, peanut, meat only on occasionally. Can you give me some meal examples of around 100+ g protein? Thanks
Sorry for the little information. I currently do only bodyweight strength training at home, and i don't go to gym. My long term target is athletic capabilities with a lot of explosive movement like to dunk. But i just started for a few months ago and i start with bodyweight exercise. I weight 65 kg (146 lbs), so i guess i…
Allright, sounds good to me. Thanks for the help !
Sorry i forgot to put that it is my cheat day XD. On a normal basis i eat pretty balanced diet and i do strength workout 3 times a week. I always want to eat some good stuffs in a while, because eating clean is very hard lol. And while i do cheat day, i always try to minimize the impact for the next day.
Thanks everyone for the info. I guess i have to stick with my good ol metabolism lol.