

  • This is my quandary. I was told they had to be chewable for the rest of my life. I am meeting people in my support group that I attend through my weight loss center and they have switched over to some vitamins that others have posted about. I am only 6 weeks out but I just can't keep the bariatric ones down. I was told…
  • Thanks! I will have to talk to my dietitian. From what I have been led to believe is that because of the reduced stomach acid after the sleeve I may never be able to take a pill for my multivitamin. Your post gives me hope!
  • I so appreciate hearing I am not the only one. I agree with what others are saying about protein and weighing food. However, I am only 2 1/2 weeks out. I hardly eat anything and usually no more than 1/4 to maybe a 1/2 cup. The scale hasn't moved in the last 5 days. I am sure it's just something to walk through.…
  • I am only 5 days out from surgery and I am cold all the time too. I keep taking my temperature thinking I must have a fever :) Thanks so much for bringing it to light...Now I'll just throw on a sweater. I will tell you how I addressed letting those who are important in my life know about my sleeve surgery. Ten days before…
  • Thanks so much for all of your input! I thought 1 week was a little optimistic. I do not have the option of taking off three weeks but I can take one and I will plan on letting my employer know that I will come back for probably 1/2 days for awhile until my endurance builds back up.
  • I am so very thankful that my dietitian told me about this group. I have just completely the 4 month journey of getting approval from my insurance company and will meet with my surgeon this week to set the date. I love the tips for what to bring to the hospital as I am currently in the zone of both excitement and fear of…