

  • One more suggestion..walk an hour a day..join a track club..commit to a 5k..many of them are for worthy causes..the first time I ran across a finish line I was hooked... and I was in my mind 50s...and a great advantage to being over 65 is you are gonna win something because there are so few women who still run or…
    in binging Comment by dmtgardner June 2014
  • I agree that there has to be a plan of eating and serious resolve..but as along term recovered prescription drug addict....I was into pills before pills were cool....almost 30 years in AA...and a recovered bulimic who still struggles...there is a component in food addiction that is different that just doing some occasional…
    in binging Comment by dmtgardner June 2014
  • Ok guys..pissing contest here...bulimia is a serious illness and a killer...try reading up on it and it's all easy when you are me back when you are in your 50s Give the lady a break..try a little compassion....she was asking for help..
    in binging Comment by dmtgardner June 2014
  • Non addicts don't get it..ignorance
    in binging Comment by dmtgardner June 2014
  • Have you tried a support group for food addiction that works the 12 steps? Y out might want to try OA, Food Addicts Anonymous in Recovery or Food Addicts Anonymous. They can be f found by a Google search. Food Addicts Anonymous in Recovery even has an on line diagnostic set of questions. I am a 30 year member of a…
    in binging Comment by dmtgardner June 2014
  • I am a fat free vegan. I follow Bill Clinton's diet from Prevent and Reverse Heart _Disease. Check out for the food plan. You do have to be committed but it is effortless and very satisfying. If you have struggled with overeating all your life and periodically relapse..the definition of an addict is…