

  • I had another account on MFP from January to March, but I got sick and when I get sick I've binging problems. I don't know why, but when I've a cold or the flue I just binge... It depressed me so much to see how much I've been eating bad so I started a new account, some kind of start over I guess
  • Lol i've a HRM already. That´s how i can have my exercise calories. I prefer to know more accurately how much I burn rather than guessing it ^^
  • Hey, Here are my calories/macros Your Daily Goal 1,365cals 171g carbs 45g fat 68g proteins 2,300 sodium 45g sugar Maybe i should wut down the carbs like you did... The only thing I changed since i came here is i up the calories because 1200 cals was driving me crazy (always hungry, even thought i had reached my calories…
  • I already have a super good scale and i weight religiously my food, so religiously my boyfriend says I'm ridiculous lol. I never eat more than 1300 Cals NET (because 1200 was way too low for me)
  • Thanks for the support :) My total weight I've to lose is 22 pounds, not 13^^ But something is bothering me: If i eat back only half of what i burn, maybe I won't be over 1200 calories, which isn't good right?
  • Some days, I plays tennis for 2 hours. According to my heart rate monitor i burn about 1200 Cals. I don't eat it completely back (because it's too much for me), but i make sur i get at least 1200 Cals net, so i don't go into starvation mode, which is nasty for your body
  • That's why I use a heart rate monitor, it's not super precise, but more than MFP
  • Hey, We've the same "goal date", but not the same weight to lose. I personally use MFP to record my meals, and for workout i use Cassey Ho's Blogilates videos (check her out she's amazing^^ I was a real potato coach before, but she's so bubble you have to get up and sweat with her ^^). She provides also some meal plans,…