Am I late to the Party?! I hear ya about the weight gain. I had Sx back in Feb of 2012, and I have regained 70 lbs since my initial 120 lb loss. I have have begun to incorporate stage 4-5 eating into my daily regiment, and I have seen and felt a difference in what I weigh and feel. The first 3-4 days was a nightmare, cause…
Wow, No one has replied to this?! Hi I had Sx back in Feb of 2012. How has your eating been?
Best of Luck! This is a really exciting time to start an old plan or new plan. I'm glad to see everyones motivation really high.. :smiley:
Great time to start! What kind of meal plan have you set for yourself? Are you planning to add any cardio routine? Best Wishes!
Hi LENA!!! I'm with you on this!