

  • Yeah, the elastic waistbands on sweatpants + my unemployment = rapid expanding waist without me noticing. I've just started really getting a routine together, and I know what you mean that it can get boring sometimes. Have you considered taking up learning a musical instrument or a skill like knitting/sewing/etc? These…
  • I'm 28 and trying to lose 50lbs to get back to a healthy weight. I have a 2 year old son, and I fell into the trap of ordering out too much because I thought my life was too hectic to cook or workout. Screw that, I'm taking control! :-) Good luck everyone, we can do this!
  • Hi Everyone! I just turned 28 and I have a 20 month old son (Sam). You would think with all the Toddler chasing, the pounds would melt right off, but... :-) I really want to fix all my unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. I used to be an athlete that loved working out and playing sports, but now I find myself…