Your fine. The biggest thing about caloric intake is the nutritional value of the calories you take in. In other words, if you ate 1200 calories of ice cream or something like that then your body wouldnt be getting enough nutrients to sustain itself. But if your eating 1000-1200 calories of a balanced diet and you dont…
Theres no point in trying to count them. Unless your doing circuit weight training it isnt much and even then it isnt much. The advantage is the post calorie burn though. Circuit weight training will keep your metabolic rate up longer. Not to mention the added muscle will increase your resting metabolic rate. In short,…
That is weird, in order for something to accurately display the amount of calories you burn it needs your weight( I dont think height matters) AND age because max heart rate changes based off your age and physical activity rate. Weight is the most important tho because the heavier you are the more calories you are going to…