

  • I just had mine in March and I've lost 35 pounds...60 since January. Have you had any problems?
  • It is just a tool not a miracle cure. I work just as hard losing the weight on other programs as I have since getting my band. It's all behavioral changes. I had my band surgery a month ago and have lost over 20 pounds not including the pre-op weight I lost. I'm only 2 pounds from losing 50 lbs since January. Best decision…
  • I also just had the Lapband procedure and am ready for a fill. I get my first next week. For now when I have hunger pains, I drink lots of water. That does help curb it a little until the next meal. I've lost 45 pounds including the 23 I lost prior to surgery. I already feel so much better. Hang in there.
    in Lap-Band Comment by smsain April 2011