happy2312 Member


  • Evening snacking, the hardest to resist. I always have date and cacao balls in the freezer and will take one of those out at night after Miss2 goes to bed and will sit with my hot cacao drink and watch TV or jump on the laptop and relax. I used to exercise late evening when I had the time to myself but I found that the…
  • Hi, SAHM mum to one, approx 20kgs to lose (3 stone). Hard to keep up the motivation with no friends sharing this weight loss journey. I find I am most successful when I have support and find it very motivating to see others succeed and share the journey. Feel free to add me :-)
  • I am also a SAHM. I eat well mostly, my weakness though is flavoured coffee drinks. I do not get enough exercise and find myself making excuses not too. My worst excuses are too tired and don't feel like leaving the house! Pretty poor excuses really when written down and thought about. I too would like a bit of support and…
  • Thanks to those who replied. Thank you lizwiz for your heads up on skipping, I guess I hadn't thought of what all this extra weight could do to my joints. I used to skip almost daily in 2012, I was 30kgs lighter then so I didn't have a problem with my joints being jarred! Logging doesn't seem so bad after hearing from you…
    in Hi Comment by happy2312 April 2014
  • Feeling a little lonely in here!! I think logging food is going to be hard and tiresome but I feel I am up for the challenge. I just have to remember to weigh foods before cooking them or putting them into my mouth. I have already had a play around weighing food, going to take a while to remember to weigh everything,…
    in Hi Comment by happy2312 April 2014