

  • Hi Alison, How are you doing? Two weeks in and thankfully for the past few days I have been watching the eating and exercising. I know that exercising is the key. What part of England are you from? I guess right now every thing is aflutter with the Prince getting married. Hope you are doing well. Take care. Rosemarie
  • Thank you, Alison, for the support and encouragement. This being free is a great thing. Talk to you again soon. Lunch is now over. Rosemarie
  • Yes, I just have to stay on track. I like that I have access at work, this way I don't have to wait until I get home.
  • Thank you. Now when I figure out how to add you as a friend I will. I look forward to talking again. Rosemarie
  • Thank you. I look forward to talking with you.