

  • I am a bit biased when it comes to yoga, but there are some fantastic energy yoga flows. These are fantastic for morning and evening. As you move with breath, you help to speed up metabolism, increase muscle strength, massage internal organs, focus your mind and relax you all at the same time. And that is just a few…
  • IT is the MSG that is added to them you are addicted to. A really nasty chemical. Don't worry about visualising rats etc, there is a nastier substance added to them by the manufacturer who only cares that you get addicted and buy more, and stuff your health. Give me rats any day. MSG actually effects the brain and tells…
  • Stop eating crap like pizza. Eat natural healthy foods, unprocessed. There is not much to eat in the supermarkets, when you read the labels you will see how much salt sugar and artificial chemicals there are in the food. Do away with all that rubbish and you exclude so much out of your diet. Eat food like nature intended…
  • Don't give up, keep it up for life. If you want to achieve a steady weight then find a diet that keeps you at a certain weight, make exercise a way of life and stop worrying about numbers on a scale. Just choose to be healthy and active. Its all up to you.
  • Go to India and use squat toilets for months, it taught me how to squat!!
  • I to your course co-ordinators and work out how you can pass. Get help now.
  • You have quite a few issues to consider, breastfeeding, hypothyroidism, six kids, getting older starting weight training etc. i'd say be kind to yourself and be patient, and know that it will work you just have to keep your intake/output in balance. It might take longer than previously, but it will happen. Stop obsessing…
  • hello, my advice is don;t do it, at least not until you are fitter and carrying much less weight. I have done the running thing in the past and injured my knees, hips and back in the process. i am still dealing with the knee problems many years later. I love running and I like the idea of someone who said start walking, it…
  • If you are binge eating and eating way over your body's needs, then there is a advice, stop thinking that a website can fix you, you could use a book instead, its all the same. deal with your obsessive habits. Get active and into activities that will distract you from eating. Remember food is only ****…
  • Could your obsession with MFP be associated with an obsession with food, dieting, fitness, and hence your physical self? Maybe looking a little deeper at the issue would help. you have identified your obsession and it is often the obsession that keeps you hooked into the whole body image thing. Personally I am loving MFP,…
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