mozzypug Member


  • Looking for buddies too, add me :smiley:
  • awesome sauce! now ill finally have friends on MFP! :P
    in HELLO. Comment by mozzypug July 2013
  • Thanks for the advice and support! The stress has lightened up a bit since i last posted. i also lost 9lbs since my last weigh in, which motivates me even more. Hope you all are doing well too! thanks again for the support! :)
  • Djokovic's youtek head racquet, but i used to be mainly prince and babolat
  • Hey ladies! My name is Marie and I'm 19. I am currently transferring colleges and have had spare time to whip back into shape. I used to play tennis everyday but it's a lot harder now with no competition. Instead I walk my dogs and i've recently started running again. I gained a few lbs in college, im around 185ish right…