staranf Member


  • I drink constantly throughout the day and I don't believe I'm dehydrated.
  • I probably eat around 1,200, just a rough guess. The food fills me up, it just doesn't seem to keep me full for very long. Even when I eat protein. I only eat breakfast in the morning because its on my schedule to do so, I'm usually not even hungry.
  • I'm going to try to get a cardiologist appointment sooner than the end of the month because this is worrying me so bad. I'm afraid to sleep because I'm afraid something bad will happen. I'll update after my appointment. Thanks for all of your responses.
  • I had an upper endoscopy a few weeks ago and they checked my blood pressure and my heart rate and everything was normal. Every time I go to a dr appointment they say my blood pressure is normal. Once in awhile it's a little high because I'm anxious, but they always take it a second time and it's fine.