

  • I'll dive into it when I have more time. I'm sold though on what you're saying.
  • Alright I concede, solely because you seem to know what you're talking about :P , I'm just having a difficult time wrapping my head around it. It was always my impression that heart rate was a direct indicator to the amount of work your body was doing, and at the very least a HRM had some means of sampling your biology in…
  • I'll be honest I'm just having a very difficult time drawing the parallels. Intuitively, everything that I know about exercise is saying that none of that makes any sense. I could very well be completely wrong, but I just can't reconcile what you're saying. And don't get me wrong I completely get what you're saying. I just…
  • I think the flaw in this science is that the energy being applied to the kettle bell isn't what you should be measuring,.. It's the energy required by the body to generate that force to move that kettle bell that deviates from person to person..
  • I see, so basically what you're saying is that there is no direct correlation between your heart rate and calorie burn. I get the science stuff. A calorie is a unit of energy (of heat), and the work to move an object of mass is uniform. So essentially if you took the same 230lb people.. Both of the same height. But one is…
  • In the most respectful way possible, I just simply do not agree with that. So BMI doesn't come into play in any of this? A 6'1 230 lb man with a BMI of 12% exerts the same energy as a 6'1 230lb man with 33% body fat?
  • What I don't understand though, is how can the device accurately calculate calorie burn when any algorithm that would be able to figure it out would be predicated on a heart rate.. I mean, I get the argument that perhaps these devices serve alternative purposes as more rudimentary step counters and sleep monitors, but the…
  • They're good for shaking out lactic acid and they confuse the nerves and it sort of mutes pain if you were really pushing out some squats on it. I've been on it a few times with a trainer. To me it just sort of numbs my legs and arms while I'm doing stuff, and the aforementioned was the benefit as it was explained to me..
  • Pardon my ignorance, but do any of those "fuel bands/fit bits" claim to calculate calorie burn? Because I'd be curious to know if anyone has ever tried to run them parallel and see if there was a difference in result..
  • HRMs are going to give you a more accurate picture of what you're doing. The truth is that anything claiming to know your calorie burn that isn't even taking your heart rate into account pretty much is full of crap.. Height, weight, and age isn't enough info to determine your actual and accurate calorie burn. It has no…
  • I don't think it's my pace, but the terrain on the "track" that I do my run on is definitely pretty challenging. Lots of inclines and declines. I think that might be what's kicking my butt.. But this isn't anything new. It's like I said it's always a battle this time of year to get back. I just know that allergies have…
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