Carri_M Member


  • Very true. Calories in, calories burned. I know that often when I stay under my calorie goal I have a tendency to lose less than when I stay at my calorie goal. I don't think it takes much to go into "starvation mode". Important to make good food choices, but 100 calories is 100 calories no matter what the source.
  • For myself, I like to have my 3 regular meals, but also plan on some small snack inbetween. Things like fruit or granola bar. I certainly would not have time to have several small "meals" every day, but I found that making sure I have a planned snack, I don't "cheat", and I keep my metabolism going. I will say that my…
  • The sugars are definitely different. I find for myself, when I am craving something sweet I try to use moderation, but dont't deny myself. The quickest way for me to cheat horribly on my diet is to go on with cravings. Better to allow the little treats. What a try to use for a treat is Dark Chocolate. It is heart healthy…
  • La Banderita has fat free flour tortilla that are under 120 calories. As far as low calorie dinner options, one of my favs for the summer is chicken kabobs with veggies. I marinade the chicken overnight in a good teriyaki marinade then make the kabobs with the chicken, pepers, cherry tomatoes, onions and some pineapple!.…
  • I got my hubby in on the dieting and now we are getting on the tandem bike 4 nights a week. Last night we had a biggest workout yet. 21 miles!! I've lost 30 lbs and another 40 to go....Yeah!!!