AvesArdens Member


  • I am in the same boat as you! And hey, a shake isn't a fad diet - meal replacements are just a type of meal. If it fits your goals then why stress about it? My biggest struggle in my newest restart is going to be staying consistent with logging, but I will do my best! I've done it before - not too sure why I am struggling…
  • Ex-partner - every serving is prepackaged. I would log the oatmeal packet and the add ons individually. Starbucks oatmeal, starbucks blueberries, starbucks nut and seed packets, etc. There is a little variation but all the sbux partners do is take it out of the package and pop it in the convection oven or add hot water so…
  • This post makes me feel better about my life :)
  • Well, if we are going to look at this scientifically then really you could call anything edible from a plant a vegetable so you should take everything everyone tells you in moderation. That being said, I think a good thing to remember is that like most people in this thread have mentioned corn is a really caloric vegetable…
  • Oh wow, this thread got you a lot of attention. Well played!
  • Hi! I'm almost 5'0" (under by a quarter inch or so ;o;) I started about a month ago at 193 and am at 184 just from increasing my water and being more conscious of my calorie intake. My goal weight is 115, which is about in the middle of my BMI, but at 125 I intend to stop and reevaluate. I've always been a little fluffy…
  • I'm sure this has been suggested, but if possible I'd say you should pop into your doctor's office (if that is feasible for you) and get them to second you on this one. Your family needs a reality check, and it sounds like they are too full of themselves to take it from anyone without a phD.