

  • Hello! welcome to myfitnesspal! I would love to be your friend and/or motivate you if you want me to. I'm glad your ready to make a change! I bid you the best of luck! :) =)
  • Hello! welcome to myfitnesspal! I would love to be your friend and/or motivate you if you want me to. I'm glad your ready to make a change! I bid you the best of luck! :) =)
  • thanks a lot for the posts. You guys are really great and caring. And I listened to your responses. And you guys were right. The hunger stirke didnt do much and it only hurt me. And i appreciate your posts. I really do, you guys are great!
  • mrsbeck...I am new to this myfitnesspal thing...i dont know how to really change it...i click edit profile and it only brings me to change my location....not my age or sex. If you know how I would love to hear it...and I am a 15 year old boy. I promise all of you.
  • Yes I can understand you being confused about my topic...I did not word this right...My apologies to all. Let me add some more to this. I have had no surgery, nor is it a doctors request. People...I am a 15 year old boy, in highschool. I have a specific reason why I am asking this. I, recently, have had a serious arguement…