

  • Yeah, I do have a gluten intolerance as well. Complicates things quite a bit. Duckling, that's exactly what happened. I don't know why I didn't research this beforehand. Again, I want to apologize for being so defensive and rude.
  • Alright, I'm sorry. I get that you were just trying to help, but the way you said that made me feel pretty stupid. Still no excuse for me going off at you like that. I was just hoping that someone could give me advice on what to do between now and the time I can get in for an appointment. Believe me this is "for real", I…
  • Fine, I've heard your opinion. Does anyone else have anything constructive to say?
  • Alright dude, let me spell this out for you. No, there was nobody else at the office that I could ask. My GP doesn't have any idea about how nutrition affects health, and wants to transfer me to a GI specialist that I would have to wait over a month to get in with. The thinking behind asking random internet strangers for…
  • Sorry to double post, but my blood sugar is back to normal. I no longer qualify as pre/borderline diabetic. I only put two and two together about the gallbladder the other day. I feel like a moron!
  • No need to be a jerk about things, ndj1979. The doctor has been out all of the past week, and I'm getting desperate. It's a little more complicated than most of you realize, since I've had a handful of chronic digestive diseases since I was six, and am used to feeling kind of crappy for no real reason. He didn't really say…
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