

  • You are so right. I have heard that a heavier person DOES burn more calories. Doesn't our calorie counter on here take that into account? Either way...you are burning more if you are bigger. Keep up the good work cuz you will lose it faster for the same length of time of exercise! Best of luck.
  • Yes, please do drink water! When you fast your body can release toxins. You may be able to tell if you start to get headachy or a bit nauseous or feel like you are "coming down with something". That is all normal. Drinking water will help clean out some of the toxins. Some people do a juice fast but then you should have…
  • You are doing awesome! Keep eating healthy, avoid things that the body can't use like sodas and sugar and fake additives and see if that helps you. How about your fiber goal? Are you close? I think you are doing great though..... Keep it up!
  • Looks like there are a lot of shorties out there! I'm 5' 1 1/2 " tall. The least I weighed was 105. I was 20 then. Now at age 51 I am looking at getting to 130 and then going from there. For my age and being medium boned that is within range for me but I think I'd like to be a bit less. Age and bone structure matter. Have…
  • Hello! You are off to a good start here! I just lost my first 3 lbs in a week! I think the accountability and the online calorie counter helped me do it. It can work for you too! Add me if you like. I'm 51 and near your weight as well. Let's take the journey for better health.
  • Hi Losin'! Good luck to you on your journey. I too am new here and need the support. Today is my first day on here. Can I make a suggestion? Instead of always "starting tomorrow" (like I have done for years!) ....let's start immediately! Start fresh! I am hoping the calorie counter will be what I need to succeed. You…
    in Hello Comment by springfling April 2011