k1ttyk1tty Member


  • If you're big enough I'd think that it would be possible, you'd just feel like dropping after the first 1,000.... Unless you have a bad coke habit...
  • My boyfriend has graveyard shift and works 10pm-8am most nights and I work at home. So, I'm all over the place. It's a good day if I've slept for 5 consecutive hours.
  • I really don't see what is wrong with having a thut,. It keeps my undies in place so I don't get a wedgie.
  • You're eating too little if you're only eating 1200 and working out. Up your intake an eat back a few workout calories. There's like 90,000,000,000 threads of this same problem people are having and it's really as simple as not starving yourself.
  • I think Pepsi would mess with the flavor, sprite would blend in with most types of pastries. Personally, my best bet would be to replace the eggs needed with 1/2 a banana each( for leavening) and replace the oil with milk to help keep it moist and should help with the texture as well. TLDR; You can use soda, but Pepsi and…
  • I was told by my therapist that being more depressed and having suicidal thoughts on any anti-depressant was grounds to test for bipolar disorder. Otherwise the anti-depressants would feel as if they didn't have an effect. Not trying to diagnose, just something I'd try to look out for or ask about. :flowerforyou:
  • When I lost my first 100, it was while I was on wellbutrin. It was wonderful. Not only did it help me with depression and anxiety but it killed eating while bored. The only bad thing was that for the first week I was on it I had to be reminded to eat because I just wasn't hungry. After that first week I was fine though.
  • Yes, you will also notice that as you start eating healthier not only will you pee a gallon or so every day but you will poop anywhere from 2-5 times a day. It's all about adjusting to the new better for you foods and getting more water to your intestines. Invest in some decent toilet paper. Look into some of the recipes…
  • My apartment complex has a roundabout and the past two days I have gone through it correctly I have almost been slammed into because some *kitten* takes a shortcut. Then they honk at me like I'm the problem. One day I wont stop and I'll gouge them in court for everything they have. :angry:
  • tattoos are a turn on...
  • Nothing can top their Catina bell bowl for 530 calories. Add some chips and Pico for an extra 230 and you have an amazing meal for 760.
  • Constantly ask you where I left my phone
  • Decide that clothing is no longer optional.
  • I've found that the easiest thing for me to do is an exercise bike. I got a little peddling thingy from amazon for around $30. I LOVE IT. I can sit on the couch and go while I'm watching tv and half of the time I look down and I'm surprised how long I've been going. Unlike a traditional bike my *kitten* wont kill me, my…
  • When it comes to fruit, don't let sugar counts throw you off. Fruit is loaded with fiber, carbs, and water to balance everything out. I don't consider it part of my sugar intake because it would stop me from eating it all together and that's no good.
  • Go to a second hand shop and get 2 pairs of pants with 3-5 shirts. That should be around $50 and keep you clothed until you get to your goal.
  • They have a few choices for 600 calories or under. Personally I'd get the snow crab legs. The only bad thing is that the biscuits are 150 cals each so you might need to work a bit off later.
  • Well, this past two months I've tried waxing and threading for my eyebrows. I've done other things for my legs and bikini area but honestly I would go with threading. It's about the same cost as waxing, you won't get burned, you don't feel sticky, you don't get bumps, and it's fast. It's worth trying out to see if you like…
  • Dove has a really good body wash that helps with reducing cellulite. When you use it every day it really does make a difference, you just can't expect it to take off a lot, creams and lotions can only help so much.
  • You have an uncanny resemblance to Bill Nye in the last picture.
  • This. My grandma adopted 7 children (all at different times) most of them lived in foster care for most/all of their lives and all except for 1 had to go to mental health stay ins, jail, or get taken in by other parents because of severe issues with siblings. Foster care is a last resort. Making obesity a punishable…
  • I'll do laundry and put the dishwasher on in the middle of the night because the guy below us is an *kitten* and I know it annoys him. And I'm not ashamed.
  • I've only had a problem with one friend being inactive and all it took was a message asking what was up and she's been back on for the past few weeks. I'm not sure if I've been deleted, I most likely have because I count sex as cardio so I kind of have my sex life plastered on my exercise count and now that I'm thinking…
  • That's really interesting. The copper iud is just that, a copper iud right? No hormones just metal? Is there a possibility of you having a copper allergy/reaction? I'm not doubting you in way. I'm just curious because I'm considering the copper iud. Also, as stated before, your husband is an *kitten*.... with the tact of…
  • My father was on active duty so he used it to keep in shape for weigh ins. That's how I found out about it. I actually made like two other accounts on here before this one but I kept just doing it for a day or so and not caring enough to keep going. Which was dumb and I wish I didn't. But, *shrug*. Better late than never,…
  • I gained 6 pounds with my last one but I'm on a new bc so I'm not sure if it was just that. As soon as I finished I started drinking more water (I just can't stand the feeling of drinking anything when I'm on mine) and it felt like the weight just fell off. So I'm guessing it was bloating and just not drinking much to…
  • [/quote] It's truly a mental thing. For instance if you ABSOLUTELY knew that eating a second slice would leave you sitting on the john for 2 days straight, would you be really willing to risk eating that 2nd slice? Probably not. So why is it so hard right now? Because the consequence of you eating those extra slices aren't…
  • I started using some creams that help with scarring a few years ago and they aren't as bad as they used to be but, they're still there. It took me a while to be comfortable in short sleeves, shorts and to wear my hair up. And that's only around my apartment. I wont lie it took a lot to push through that. In high school I…
  • Two factors and they're only selling one. Sounds promising. :grumble: