

  • Congratulations!! Good for you to make the decision and dedication to lose the weight. I don't want to be negative, but be careful not to lose the weight to fast. There are numerous studies that show that if you lose the weight to fast, it is much easier to gain it back. I am fighting with this now. Started riding my bike…
  • Actually, if you ever considered making your own pizza it can be healthy. First, I make my own whole wheat pizza crust. Prepare my own tomato sauce using fresh ingrediants and spices. Finally, I will use a part skim mozzarella cheese with maybe a few crumbles of feta cheese and fresh spinach on top. Believe it or not, I…
  • First let me say that I am in no way connected to the company that makes Bios Life Slim. I have been approached by an individual that sells the product for ninety days. There is no incentives for me other than hopefully losing weight. So for those that might be interested I have set up a blog for my 90 days of Bios Life…
  • Obviously how your body responses to alcohol is different with each individual. I was on a similiar calorie counting diet about five years ago. I drank wine throughout my dieting efforts and lost twenty pounds. The trick for me was to be sure to consume less calories on the day that I drank. Personally for me, I was still…
  • I agree 7 pounds is admirable! Not here to take anything away from your efforts. But as I learn more about weight loss the goal is to be consistent and develop a life long plan. Research has shown that the best weight loss is one that occurs gradually. Many times taking off those quick pounds off only leads to it coming…
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