mcamping Member


  • My doctor has me meditating as well. I can never find the time, so he suggested that I start a gratitude journal. Each day I have to sit down and write for about 20 minutes about one thing that makes me happy for the day. It helps to shut down the negative emotions for a while and forget about all the symptoms for a few…
  • Hi my name is Marie and I have Hashimotos, been feeling icky for the last 20 years, but the doctors would not run the antibodies test. Changed doctors this year and found out why I have felt like this, why I had the miscarriages, ect. I have a lot of weight to lose and I am going to try the zone diet and see how it works.…
  • I have been extremely busy so I have not been walking as much as I should be, but I am working to correct that. I took a new job with a company that has not done any bookkeeping for at least 10 months that I can see so I am trying to clean up the piles in his office and make sense of them! I plan on cutting all my herbs…
  • djcangel: I have never thought of putting them into a pot and reselling them. What a great idea! I usually put out a sign and tell people that I have free iris's. They are gone within the hour. You should plant some, they require little work (except at the end of the season if you have a lot like me and they multiply like…
  • Welcome Riverwood9! I am also new to the group. They are a great group of people! marsellient: That is a great idea to get organized now. I usually am a spring cleaning kind of person, but I missed it this year. It is time to clean up and find my cabinets! I spent the weekend cleaning up my front yard. I grow iris's. They…
  • Congratulations! That is awesome news!
  • I bought mine on ebay for 40 dollars. It is free to hook up to MFP, but I also have it hooked to my phone, I think it was 3 dollars for the phone app (don't quote me I may be wrong, but I think it was somewhere around there). It is great, it give me challenges on my steps so that I move more and then it lets me know when I…
  • It is that time of year when we are all enjoying the last of summer and friends before all of the kids head back to school and life becomes crazy again, so falling off the bandwagon is not uncommon. I have not lost any weight and have not gained any weight, so I have to start working harder at it. I went a new doctor and…
  • I have just been diagnosed with Hashimoto's. Doctor says that I have probably had this for my years. I am 51 years old, been complaining of muscle cramps, fatigue, hair loss, cold all the time, ect. for many many years. I am glad that you have this post, lets me see how people deal with it and what I can do.
  • Sandy: Sorry about your oven Jan: Congratulations! I am the same as Lydia, I weigh myself most mornings also.
  • dj: I don't blame you I love the ocean too. We will be in San Diego in the fall. We are building the greenhouse, but right now it is too hot for us to work on it. I am hoping this fall to get it up and running so that when the freeze (short and sweet) comes, I will have my vegies and herbs going strong in the greenhouse.…
  • Thank you. I have tomatoes, green peppers, strawberries, grapes and several herbs growing in my garden. I also have several fruit trees. I have it all set up by a drip system, so that they get enough water but not too much. Our summer nights only get down to about 80 degrees, so it stays relatively warm here. Do your kids…
  • Hi, My name is Marie, I live in Las Vegas, NV. I am 51 years old and have one son (20 years old) and my husband is 52. We have been married for 10 years but have been together for 21 years. I work full time but in my spare time I work in my garden. I am just starting this today and you seemed like a fun group to join.