

  • The "experts" say if you have to eat at night eat protein not carbs. When I lift lots of heavy weights my trainer tells me to go home and eat lean protein to help the muscles. It's worth a try.:smile:
    in Help... Comment by burb265 October 2008
  • The reason the calories drop is that the less you weigh, the less calories you burn doing the exact same thing. So know to burn the same amount of calories you either have to workout longer or workout harder.
  • I don't have to watch my sodium intake but I took the test anyway. It did prove to me one thing, I don't eat fast food. I did miserably on the test but I've never even seen most of the food they asked about, some I've never even heard of. I realized that if I'm feeling lazy I eat a McDonald's grilled chicken salad making…
  • My new found favorite is Kashi Cherry Dark Chocolate TLC Chewy granola bars. It only has 120 calories and 2 grams fat yet has 4g fiber and 5 g protein. They are bigger than a lot of the chewy bars (1.2oz) and I find I can eat them slower because I can pull them apart with my fingers.
  • I drink tea like most people drink coffee. I drink lots of oolong tea and it hasn't helped with my weight loss. I took a trip to China and our favorite Tea Lady said she drank white tea too lose the weight she gained when she was pregnant. I didn't care for the white tea as much so I didn't buy any of it. Maybe I should…
  • My suggestion is find a new doctor! I've had on and off knee pain for decades. I finally got a doctor who wanted to figure out what caused the pain. It took an orthopedic specialist about 3 minutes to figure out what caused the problem. With minimal physical therapy I have rid myself of the pain. I do lots of squats and…
  • I travel heavily for my job. I find out what amenities my room has when I book. If it has a microwave I pack good food that doesn't require refrigeration such as Healthy Request Steam and Eat meals, Thomas Light Whole Grain English Muffins or soup. If all the room has is a coffee pot I make oatmeal with the hot water. I…
  • I like the Thomas Multi Grain English Muffins better. They are only 100 cal and have 8 g of fiber!
  • Go to the Hungry-Girl website. It's great. Most of the recipes are single servings. http://www.hungry-girl.com/
    in help!!! Comment by burb265 May 2008
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