

  • Gardening and harvesting your own food from local gardens is great for getting over a veggie phobia and you get a little exercise to boot. Cooking your own food, whether you get them from Whole Foods or a dumpster dive (extreme) is the cleanest thing you can do. then you know pretty much what is in it. Baby steps and…
  • Maybe skinny is the wrong word. I polled my office and we agree: "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels." I think health and fitness should definitely be the goal. While the point of the original post, the low self-esteem and shame that results from not being a healthy weight really resonates, don't forget the physical…
  • It's so nice to see all the support that is available. This is my first time on a community board and I am just as interested to see if I can be successful with consistently posting as I am with losing weight. I am really trying to get toned for summer.My weight is just going up and up so I am trying to get a grasp on it.