Hey Guys When you look at one of my posts, does it have the little picture/graph thingie showing my weight loss? If not, how do you post that?
I believe the F word is where you start! lol just kidding
Wow!!! Looking great! Irish?
lmao Where is the "Like" button on this? You guys are tough! I like it
Hi There I personally would: Low carb bagel 100 cals <== stop as much bread stuff as you can, especially white bread. Get the weight watchers bread at Safeway coffee or mocha 60 cals <== This is fine Fiber one bar or fruit with yogurt <== I eat several a day Turkey sandwich on light wheat bread <== Good carrots and hummus…
Add me too if you'd like. I have lost 5 pounds in 5 days and it is my first week. I find this simple! My key is to use the bar code scanner to add foods, then select the serving size. I am really knowledgeable on Vitamins and minerals etc... if anyone has any interest. I have been doing vitamins and minerals and natural…
I am amazed that this is really working for me. I reset my daily calorie intake from 1700 to 1310 and am finding it pretty easy to make that. So far 5 pounds in 6 days
That's phenomenal! Congratulations
try stopping the protein shakes afterwards. I have done them for years and for what ever reason, have seen them help most of the time, but sometimes, they have the opposite effect. Also start on a B-Complex that is an SR (slow release) make sure you take it after eating and take zinc as well. Zinc has many wonderful…