

  • Hey Team, Just a quick drop in.. Super busy with the family so have not been on at all for the last day or so. Will be back on tomorrow to follow up with everyone! Had a few items that are not so clean but other than that been spot on with my nutrition.. We will see how I fair tomorrow with the BBQ! :) Teeladog: Great to…
  • So I finished my 3 day cleanse and really happy with the final results. I lost 6.5 lbs in 3 days and although it is not a full detox I feel so much better and ready to take on this weekend! My hip is still doing pretty good with some flare ups here and there but I am able to do so much more than I was a few weeks ago…
  • KayJaMikel: This was a tough one for me to figure out on my own. So here is what works for me when my body starts to tell me things. So you might have to play around and document how you feel after you have a craving and you eat something document how you feel 20 to 30 minutes later and that can tell you a lot. This can…
  • GOOD MORNING TEAM! So I just started Day 3 of my 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse. Hoped on the scale and down 5 lbs and my energy is through the roof. I am feeling really good and like yesterday I am feeling the good benefits from the cleanse. Although it is a calorie deficit cleanse I am still getting tons of dense nutrition in…
  • Day 2 of my Shakeology 3 Day cleanse in the books. I will weigh in the morning to see how much more progress I have made. I really stayed hydrated today and I feel excellent. Now time to go spend some time with my son and get outside. Just finished up my food diary for the day! I hope everyone has done the same, it really…
  • Hey Sharon Indeed that is great advice! We are all going to make mistakes and if we don't quite make it today do your best tomorrow. The key is to not beat yourself up and move forward. I like to call it failing forward! As we gain more and more confidence we will do better and better with our goals. Thanks for the post…
  • KayJaMike: There are many side effects of hypothyroidism and some of use suffer more than others. I seem to have a lot of symptoms that my daily meds do not take care of but have a few things I do that really help with energy levels and the roller coaster ride of issues that are caused by it. I totally can relate to the…
  • Good Morning Team, Well day 1 of my 3 day cleanse in the books! I am down 2lbs and feeling pretty good. I posted it all in my food journey if you want to see what I did. I drank a ton of water to help with any cravings and really didn't have any until right before I went to bed so I just hit the sack .. LOL! When all else…
  • Today is going to be a bit challenging for me. I started a 3 day cleanse to kick start some weight loss and head into the holiday weekend on a positive note. I have doing ok with nutrition but still not spot on. We are looking at new recipes that are thyroid friendly and will be posting them real soon. I was speaking with…
  • Each day I have been able to do a little more and more.. I know I have a long way before I can get back to full blown working out but it is nice to be able to do something without crazy pain flaring up. So pretty happy about what I am seeing with this latest treatment! So going to walk the dogs and then go do a little work…
  • Good Morning Team! Starting to have a little more pain in my back but the hip is holding up great so far! Going to try and get my apt moved up with the doc so we can schedule a surgeon to get to work and get this thing cleaned up and then we can go back to working on the back if needed! I am thinking most of my pain will…
  • Good Morning Team! I have to say I am pretty happy this morning. Another day down with minimal pain and starting off today really good! I have to hold myself accountable as my diet has been off since my set back. The wife and I discussed yesterday that we will get back on track with things this week and make sure we are…
  • Good Morning Everyone! Wow it is a bit quite around here the past few days! We need to change that people! The only way we stay on the path is if we are consistently logging in and supporting the team! I am finally feeling human now that most of the drugs have run its coarse however still have some lingering stomach…
  • Hey Everyone, Looks like I am not the only one that had a few days of MFP! The last two days have been pretty rough. All of the drugs they have been pumping through me had me just trashed so just didn't have much in me to log in or really do anything other than lay around and weight detox. But so far I am doing pretty good…
  • Thanks Everyone! The procedure went well this morning. I am still tired from all the drugs but man is it nice not to have any pain. I know that it might just be the medicine right now but a day of relief is awesome. Keeping my fingers crossed it continues! Just wanted to do a quick check in. I am super tired and going to…
  • Good Morning Everyone, I started the morning off with a coconut milk and vegan chocolate Shakeology shake this morning. Super tasty! I finished up yesterday with my nutrition solid as a rock! My wife made a grilled chicken salad with a citrus dressing dinner and it was a perfect way to end the day! Light and had enough…
  • Good Morning Team Sorry I was MIA yesterday but just one of those days where to much to do. I was spot on with my nutrition and I did get a lot of walking around in. I had a follow up with my doc and I will be going in for another procedure on my hip this Friday. My hip flared up big time over the past few days and has me…
  • Good Morning Everyone! I didn't get a chance to log in yesterday! We had a very busy day with scouting and with getting some chores done before my wife and daughter got home from their trip! For the most part this weekend was a success. I also didn't really need to prep anythign as I still have a good amount of food from…
  • Good Morning Everyone, Thought I would post early get some things done around the house and then head out to see what kind of trouble me and my son can get into today! Going to first start off the day with walking the dogs. For breakfast going to mix up my shake and then prepare a few snack bags for me and the my son so we…
  • gieshagirl: welcome to the team! Many of us fall into that same category as what you just posted! No exercise and no diet for years and now things have caught up with us! I was the exact same way until about 3+ years ago when my health really started to fail. I took aggressive action and lost a lot of weight and put myself…
  • Good Morning Team! The weekend is upon us and this is really where the brick hits the road! Our schedules are about to be thrown off by the weekend so that can lead to impulse eating and that is something that we do not want to do. So stand your ground this weekend team! Prepare yourself and do not let all your hard work…
  • Hey Everyone, Another great day of solid nutrition under the belt! I am feeling good and I have had another day of less pain flaring up. The one thing I have to keep in mind is even though I am feeling better not to go and test it yet. I need to keep the ego in check and wait until I am 100% so I can walk away from this…
  • Good Morning Everyone! My day went really good until last night. I forgot that my daughters high school soccer banquet and figured they would have some fairly decent options for dinner. Boy was I wrong and with the event being 3 hours long and not eating before hand I ate a few items that I am trying to eliminate. The good…
  • Good Morning Team! I hope that none of you have been impacted by the storms that have ravished a few states over the past few days! I am praying for those that have and hoping that these weather cells stop producing these devastating tornadoes!. Well after having my first full thyroid nutrition healthy day I am feeling…
  • Hey Team! Well I just finished off my food diary for the day! I have to say I love when I am prepared because today was so easy! I had everything I needed when I needed it! The only thing I had to prepare was the Spaghetti Squash tonight for dinner. It went really good with the Turkey Bolognese I made yesterday! The…
  • MichiganJen: Way to sneak into the gym and get some ab work in. I am also glad to see that you are hooking up with your husband as well. It is always nice to have a partner in crime.. :smile: The problem with body by vi is that it is full of artificial flavorings and sweeteners and a lot of extra junk I wouldn't put in my…
  • Kleiopatra: Indeed nothing wrong with drinking a lot of water! Staying hydrated is super important and don't let you co-working make you feel any different! Telladog: First of all way to support your community! I am a huge believer in community service and love that you volunteer at the local food bank! I can see the need…
  • Good morning team! This morning I am starting off with a morning smoothie and walking my son to school with the dogs. I find that drinking a nutrient dense smoothie in the morning or for lunch really helps me keep my nutrition on track and they taste good so it is a win win in my book! Today is when I start updating my…
  • Well I just finished up prepping what I could for my weekly nutrition plan. I made sure the foods that I am going to eat are both healthy and foods that won't cause issues with my body. I drink a supplement that gives me a ton of nutrients so I don't have to stress out a lot about getting all my veggies in because the…
  • Good morning everyone. I ended not being able to log in yesterday as me and my son spent the day out and about and then didn't return home until late last night. I was able to get my walk instead of a bike ride due to my tire being flat so got a new tube while we were out last night and will get that in today. Today I am…