

  • Emotional eating is what kneecaps most of us. Something I found helped me was to think of how much *better* I'd handle life's problems as a leaner, sharper individual. That doesn't mean having to be at your goal weight - it can just be the satisfaction of controlling your diet each day. Here's the thing about any weight…
  • We can all come up with the same list of motivations: look good on the beach, improve our wellbeing, reduce the chances of illness and disease, live longer, less anxiety, a clearer mind free of weight concerns, etc. I suppose what counts is the motivation we can use on any given day to help us stick to a diet. For me, I…
  • Don't worry - most of us know that feeling. The more failures we have, the harder it is to get started. You are not alone. The most important thing to do is find a diet that suits you. Don't go committing to diets which you realistically cannot stick to. If you love chocolate, find a diet that has an inbuilt cheat day each…