

  • 1) 170/160 I lost 5lbs this week. FINALLY back to (as least) a comfortable weight. 2) I did a detox diet this week that consisted of consuming nothing but 6 juices (prepared every day by a local organic juice bar) a day for 5 days. A diet of about 900-1200 calories a day. SO glad I did it. Just hoping it wasn't all water…
  • FoodHourToday Is The Fifth And Last Day Of My Detox. Sorry About The Caps. My Phone Does This. 6 Organic Veggie Juices, 2 Hours Apart For 5 Days. It Really Hasn't Been Too Difficult. I Never Felt Hunger Pains, Though Of Course I Craved Food. I've Definitely Lost A Few Pounds, Although I'm Hoping It's Not Completely Water…
  • Tomorrow I start my juice cleanse. An organic juice cafe in my town holds one every so often, so every morning this week I have to stop in and get my day's supply. It's 900-1200 calories a day, all vegetables, no solid food for 5 days. I've never done it before. I'm excited, but nervous about gaining after I finish on…
  • Thanks for hanging in there guys!! You're soldiers! I'm hoping everyone is still in it, just not posting. As long as they're doing what they need to do to stay in the game! You guys should all be SO freakin' proud. Losing is not easy and we're all making it happen!!!
  • WOW!! That's AMAZING!! Well, we know who's in the lead!
  • Where is everybody???!! I hope no one's posting because they're too busy kicking their own *kitten*!!! Everyone (who has posted) is doing great!! Don't forget to look into the mirror every morning (and every time you feel you're about to slip) and tell yourself it is a new day, a new you, and you can do this! Thank…
  • I totally feel you! I DON"T have two small children and I have constant trouble sticking to a diet. For me it's the constant struggle between looking good and loving food. What sucks about dieting is, in order to succeed, "no" has to become a prominent word... philosophy even. Who wants to say no all the time?? We always…
  • Would LOVE to hear your recipes!
  • I, too, am trying to stick to the 1200 routine. It can be tough and I definitely agree with Tara that it is all about planning ahead of time. Find a routine that works and stick to it. I find what works best is allowing yourself to eat up to 1500 calories and then working off whatever you have to in order to get down to…
  • Awesome topic!! I always feel like music plays a HUGE part in how good of a workout I have. When I first started running, the only thing that kept me going was Deftones and Glassjaw. Of course, now... years later, I am able to maintain a comfortable running pace and don't need quite as much adrenaline punching sounds. I…
  • LOVE this!! Best workout ever... way to get creative!
  • I can't help but feel like I am somewhat to blame for making day 1 of our challenge on EASTER, lol, Sorry! Don't be hard on yourself though! 1) It's a holiday and I always feel we should be able to indulge a little on special occasions (key to long term success is not restricting, but adapting!) 2) Always better to eat a…
  • HELLO ALL! Glad to see so much motivation and participation!! Quick shout out to Izu87 who messaged me today and asked if it would be okay to post new topics. ABSOLUTELY! This is YOUR group, guys! Feel free to navigate it and contribute to it in any way, shape, or form. We're here for YOU! Thanks Izu!! Okay, now for my…
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