

  • I eat a half cup of egg whites every morning, scrambled with various spices, with cottage cheese and cantaloupe. I don't get hungry until noon. Eggs are awesome!
  • I have two very small kids and I'm constantly trying to think of travel ready snacks for them. I think our list would apply to you too: snack bags of pretzels (typically very low fat, and if you portion control, you are set with calories), carrots sticks (they can take a beating in a bag), "Wholly guacamole" makes 100…
  • I plan ahead. In the morning, or the night before, I plan out the days meals. If I didn't have a smart phone, I would keep a small notepad with me, just as everyone else has suggested. I think journaling is the most effective aspect of myfitnesspal. It keeps me accountable if I know what I'm going to put in my mouth, and…