happynunn Member


  • Gosport Hampshire..between the country and the sea so ideal for me :)
  • cw 205 h 5'5" GW 175 age 53 uk Hampshire :)
  • thank you for this and your time doing it :)..after years of experience (lol) I totally have to agree ..:laugh:
  • Hi I'm Jan ,52 5'4 . My starting weight was 211lb(pre mfp) ,im now 195lb. My goal is to hit 170lb and then see how I feel .I have mobility problems since I had a fall on my back,this led to me being retired from my job,in which I was used to walking 5-7 miles a day. On top of that I went to the gym 3 x 60 min a day and was…
  • Hi :) I haven't lost 100lb + nor have I got that to loose BUT I think keeping going /staying motivated enough to keep upgrading our workouts is hard how ever much we have to loose. Having achieved what you have in such a short space of time is AWESOME !! To want to keep improving IS your motivation,you have to want it…
  • Hello and a BIG well done !!! that's an amazing achievement and I hope you duly proud of yourself :)) Ok firstly ..it is always hard for us to see our weight loss,but I can tell you from my view point yes I can definitely see the change in you. your top half is a lot smaller in the new pic ie:,your shoulders not so broad…
  • I'm a bit of a 'grazer' 'snacker' ,find i tolerate it more than bigger meals. Fruit is always easy , a small spoon of good peanut butter can the trick, I like seeds and raisins and nuts, babybel light, olives, cherry tomatoes ..I eat like sweeties lol. A cucumber dip made with 0% greek natural yogurt a tsp mint sauce or…
  • :happy: hi Rimshott , your fiancee is pleased you've joined I see lol. As a fairly newbie myself ,welcome . I am so glad I joined here,its so easy to use,lots of nice folk, the biggest calorie database i've seen on a site and free ! I did use a very similar site ,that I also loved and lost 28lb with them..sadly there…
  • Hi :) I'm no expert either ..but I have used one for the last ten years ,right until a fall put paid to big exercise :( and I loved mine too. I found it invaluable when working out ,I could set it to bleep when i was out of training zone,therefore maximixing my work out. I used it when out on a walk ,to track my…
  • Hi Stephanie, Ive just joined too :) and also looking forward to making new friends. I'm double your age ..and 196lbs so we're close on the weight lol. I want to loose 28lbs. Good luck and feel free to friend me too jan x
  • :smile: Hi Flossy (i have that nickname too ) I have just joined myself and would love to buddy up and help each other on . I'm 52 ,medically retired due to a fall ,I was a dog warden and loved it :) I have 2 grown up sons and an adorable 3 year old grandson. My long term goal is to looose 1.5 - 2 stone..I have already…