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  • Thanks everyone for pointing out the recipes tab! I never thought that was what that might be. I've just gone for bloodwork to check if it's my thyroid or diebetes (both are in the family). I'll know by tomorrow. :}
  • I think this is my major problem. I treat treats as a reward for everything, not just doing well on my eating. The last few weeks have been bad because I've been traveling (and not portion controlling myself. grrrrr), having my time of the month with all that's glories, and just in generally feeling depressed and low. When…
  • Thanks everyone for the replies! I do not drink a lot of water, it's true. I will work on getting that up. Regarding the alcohol consumption and take aways, the past two weeks have been really bad. We've been traveling and food generally results to the easiest thing. :/ Most of my cooking is in fact homemade. I live in NZ…