

  • this really does make sense. thank you!
  • i understand that i'm supposed to eat more when i exercise. that's what i don't get; i thought i'd need to eat way more than that. so the calculator on this website doesn't make sense?
  • i'm about 5'9 and 225 pounds. since when is 25 pounds in four months "rushing it"? the reason i started this thread was because the 1300 calories seemed really low to me. i'd be exercising more to eat more.
  • i'm actually trying to lose 50-60 total (i could even lose 70), but i'm trying to lose around 25-30 this summer, at least. so trying for two pounds a week is okay, right? so i could eat, say, 1700, burn 400 during exercise, and i'd be good? i don't get that part, though...if i start out netting this few calories, how low…
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