
  • Great question and I love reading all the answers. I want to start running too but I always give up quick because I do the run (for a short period) then walk, run, walk. How long does the average person have to do this to build the stamina to run for a period of time. I have great stamina on the eliptical or in a spin…
  • Great post!!! This is something I really struggle with. I know and understand the logic but still try to eat less thinking it will make me lose weight but I usually end up binging instead and struggling. Thank you for the reinforcement.
  • Hello, I am pretty new to the site too and have not yet reached my goals. I do some of the emotional eating or "binge" eating so it sounds like we deal with some similart issues. Just wanted to say "hi" and support you in your efforts. I believe we can do this, just got to learn that balance and stick with it:flowerforyou:…