lmhw0320 Member


  • Lmhp001 - 186.5. (Username previously lisawancowicz)
  • Hello! My name is Lisa and I am 27 years old. I desperately need the motivation to lose the extra weight I have packed on over the years. I am really trying to make working out apart of my daily routine, but it is hard and life always gets in the way! My ultimate goal is to lose around 50 lbs and get down to a much…
    in TEAL team! Comment by lmhw0320 July 2014
  • Hello - i would love to join. When i just joined the group i was number 100, i hope i made it!
  • hello everyone! i previously started t-25 a few months ago, but got off track with packing/moving/unpacking and settling in to the new house. i am determined to follow through this time and will be starting today! reading through previous posts, you all have definitely motivated me!