I may be the only one here to say I go with MFP over fitbit Zip. After my 50 minute Zumba class (and I am high intensity) my fit bit only says 140 cal burned, MPF says 593, which is closer to my HR monitor. I'm not sure why my fitbit Zip is so low, but so far I'm not really impressed with using it. It doesn't give a very…
The Darth Vader song... I always wished I did that. Have the girls and guys walk down to something tradtiional, and then switch to that when you walk down. Silly... yes. Memories=forever. :)
I've found that simply logging what I eat in a diary helps me ask myself "is that 240 extra calories from Ranch dressing worth it?" When I see how quickly those little things add up, I'll substitute items (fat free ranch for regular, a thin slice of reduced fat cheese vs. a standard full fat slice for instance). I try to…