

  • you are not insane. I gained weight while on a particular birth control. My OBGYN did say it was one of the reported side effects, just before we made the switch to a copper (non-hormone) IUD. Additionally, I noticed that no matter what I did, the weight never really seemed to come off while I was on that particular pill.…
  • That Freya one she recommended is totally the one I have! It is awesome. It makes me sad it does not come in my size in the US. I do totally agree that the sizing seems kind of random. I've had to order all my bras online for years now, and have come to realize which brands to stay away from.
  • Someday I shall open a store that sells sports bras larger than a DD. I have so much frustration with this. Apparently girls with bigger racks don't like to work out....ever. I've done Zumba-type classes before and have a couple suggestions for you: First, They ship from England, but they've got sports…