

  • Excess insulin causes sugar cravings. High glycemic index (GI) foods spike your insulin levels causing more insulin to be produced faster by your body which in turn makes your body crave more sugar to use up the insulin that was created. Essentially it's a vicious cycle. Eating slower digesting (low GI) complex…
  • Me and my wife did WW for about 3 months, doing the online only portion. I can't comment on the meetings and weigh ins at all because we simply did online, but for the price the Online site is pretty terrible. I felt like I had to constantly add everything I ate manually because their database of foods was so limited.…
  • I'm guessing you overcooked it a bit. The first time I made it in a slow cooker I overcooked it. If you have a timer on your cooker shoot for about 4 - 5 hours and then let it sit on warm. That will give you the slightly chewy texture you're looking for. It should be more chewy than normal oatmeal. Another tip I use is to…