aprili83 Member


  • That Would be great!! Thank you!
    in Yoga.... Comment by aprili83 June 2011
  • Thank you everyone for your replies! I am going to continue to do yoga on a weekly basis just for the relaxation factor... I am a nurse so I have a very stressful job!! I am a member at golds gym and have a hard time motivating myself to get on a tredmill or lift weights but I loe the classes!! Sometimes I will do Zumba…
    in Yoga.... Comment by aprili83 June 2011
  • What is the nausea caused from? try to Eat small meals that are cold or room temp and bland...try not to drink fluids with meals rather between them ( but try to still drin 6-8 glasses a day to prevent dehydration) it will help you be able to eat more. And try to rest after you eat with you head proped up. I am a nurse so…