Arbright Member


  • Ya'll just made me feel so much better about punking out on yogax last night! About a half hour into the workout I got so frustrated with the repeated poses I could not do for the life of me. I sat there for a few minutes watching them and thinking that maybe he'll get to a different pose if I wait a while. Yoga was…
  • Terrific day!
  • I didi plyo. It was fun for like the first half but I think I looked up to see that I had another half hour to go (out of breath and sweating profusely) and something Tony(?) said about landing lightly pissed me off. I sounded like an elephant with the combo of my weight and the el cheapo shoes I was jumping around in.…
  • 1 word: ow! Looking forward to plyo tomorrow :)
  • Again "what the hell did I get myself into" is screaming through my head! Seeing the times of these workouts makes me seriously reconsider how this will fit into my daily life! I realized this morning at 5:30 that the whole Chest & Back + Ab Ripper would not fit into my morning so I settled for AM Abs and PM Chest/ Back. I…
  • Hey I'm Aisha. I'm 29 in Charlotte NC and have had P90X for so long I forgot I had it. I'm actually really scared of it! I tried Plyometrics a couple times and it kicked my butt :explode: . I'm game to go at it for real though. Hopefully ya'll can keep me motivated cuz I'm sooo not one to stick to a routine for long.
  • I'm in the QC also
  • Omg this thread is hilarious! Thanks so much for the laughs
  • [/quote] This is from wikipedia Lycopene is not an essential nutrient for humans, but is commonly found in the diet, mainly from dishes prepared from tomatoes. When absorbed from the stomach, lycopene is transported in the blood by various lipoproteins and accumulates in the liver, adrenal glands, and testes. Because…
  • Man I always thought I was eating bread topped with cheese. And the sauce content makes it a whole vegetable eh?? Where do they get their pizza cuz half the time I can't even find the sauce on those dried out slices. Veggie time...Cool! Very cool hahaha!
  • I like Simply Lite chocolate. It's 40 calories per square but if you're anti maltitol you won't want it. I'm a die hard chocolate eater.
  • You're welcome to look at mine